Category Archives: Week Nine

Getting Settled at Home

Debbie is now settled at home and is beginning to become more independent with day to day activities.  The outpatient therapy is progressing nicely and she has become accustomed to the schedule.  We leave the house around 8:15am to make the 9 o’clock beginning therapy session.  Therapy finishes at 3:30 every afternoon, four days per week, so we are back home a little after 4pm.  At the end of the day she is tired and ready to return home for a little rest before assisting with some of the normal household duties such as assisting with laundry, preparing meals, etc.  We are anticipating that the current therapy schedule will be in place until the end of the year.  We continue to be very pleased with her progress, especially after all that she has been through beginning with her injury on September 5th.   We continue to be comforted by your comments, cards and prayers for Debbie and her family.